Sunday, January 17, 2010

If a stuffed squirrel, has a price on it's head, does it look more appealing, or just another stuffed animal ?

Lady in second hand gift shop. Sorry, charity shop.If a stuffed squirrel, has a price on it's head, does it look more appealing, or just another stuffed animal ?
THATS GROSE who in their right mind would want any animal stuffed.If a stuffed squirrel, has a price on it's head, does it look more appealing, or just another stuffed animal ?
Depends if it's a reasonable price! lol, reminds me of the episode of scrubs where the janitor has a mini army of stuffed squirrels.
Kill it then you will not have any more problems =].

I have a question, how is a squirel alive?
more appealin

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