Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can i purchase a squirrel as a pet?

then eat it later...Can i purchase a squirrel as a pet?
In some states, it is legal to purchase a squirrel as a pet, as long as you get it from a USDA licensed breeder, not catch it in the wild or get it from someone else who caught it wild.

It would not be legal to eat a pet squirrel. That would be animal abuse, and it is a criminal offense - in some areas, even a felony.

If you want to have squirrel meat, you should purchase a hunting license and hunt squirrel, taking the animals in the approved manner, during the regulated season for the species; or you should find a store that sells squirrel meat.Can i purchase a squirrel as a pet?
LOL -go hunt one down in the woods and fry it up!

You eat it all though -I don't want any.

Person below me -how would it not be legal? If you want to eat your dog, and you have it butchered like a pig -how is that illegal? It's not really animal abuse if the animal doesn't suffer in the first place....if it lives a happy life with someone and then is killed for food, it's really no differant than stuffing them into a dark shelter and then, scared, no one that they know around them, euthanizing them.
That's disgusting and squirrels don't make good pets. I raised an orphaned one and we had to let it go when it was about 4 months old because it was just too crazy to have in the house.

don't keep it as a pet they don't make good ones cuz i use to have 2 baby squirrels as best that we found abandoned in my dad's garage and they died very quickly just hunt them or eat something other than squirrel like chicken

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