Sunday, January 17, 2010

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was a squirrel?

12 woods. Eleven or less would mean it was lazy (Not woodchuck or squirrel like) and 13 is way too ambituos.

So the answer is 12 woodsHow much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was a squirrel?
well, this doesn't make much sense because if a woodchuck was a squirrel, it wouldn't be a woodchuck now would it? so i'd say zero. and why is this in football (american)

i don't get that henway joke at all...How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was a squirrel?
Somebody take this kid's hand, find his mother, and remove him from the football section. Please???


Okay, sorry. I'm sick of Favre too. In that case I apologize for insulting you. Thanks for a fresh question.
I think you have a henway on your shoulder.

What's a henway?

About 3 or 4 pounds.

Badum bum ... thank you, I'll be here all week.
as much as the chucking squirrel wanabe wanted.
im not sure, but one thing i know for sure is that it would not Chuck Norris, because if it did it would die
Squirrels dont chuck wood.
None Squirrels sit around and gnaw on their nuts all day
  • good makeup
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