Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whats a good gray squirrel call?

Alright i have a bowl of peanut butter out in my yard, but i need a good call that will attract the Eastern Gray Squirrels to it. If u say that old quarter trick plz tell me how you tap the quarters together. and how many times to tap them togetherWhats a good gray squirrel call?
The best squirrel call I have ever used or seen was a small toy for a baby that would squeak when you squeezed it. When I would finish my still hunting or the wind would pick up making it harder to see the movement of the limbs as the squirrels fed in the trees, I would get hid in the bushes and start squeaking.Some of the squirrels would come in slowly and some would come in running through the timber or even on the ground running almost into you.It doesn't work on every squirrel but it works on almost every hunting trip to a certain extent.I would usually finish up my limit with the squeaking toy.Most squeakers will work a little, but they don't sound quite right to the squirrels. But when you have one with the right sound, it's some of the most fun you can ever have. My success rate was almost a 90% of killing at least one squirrel on each trip using the squeaker. My high was 7 squirrels and averaged 3 per trip with it. Remember, I would only start using it after the wind would start blowing hard or I had quit finding them after still hunting for a couple of hours. The old squeakers works much better then the newer ones. The older ones were like a hollow metal the size of a quarter to a half dollar size. The newer ones do not work as well and are made out of plastic and metal reeds in them. My method was to hide carefully and make all the squeaks I could for several seconds and wait a minute or two and repeat, trying not to move any more then I had to.Sometimes the squirrels would sneak in and other times run in as fast as they could.It's an exciting way to hunt. At one time I had 5 different squirrels coming to the call at the same time. But then I took up bow hunting and that ended my squirrel hunting, except for the traditional opening weekend camping out and hunting with family. Get you a babies squeaking toy and try it this year.If you get one with the right tone, you are going to have some enjoyable times. Good luck!Whats a good gray squirrel call?
Just do like ol' davy crockett did, grin 'em out a that there yonder tree!
The sound of an injured squirrel is a good bear call. Have you tried making the sound of an injured bear? :)
Just go, ';th th th th th, here squirrel';
rub two quarters together. it sounds like squirrels eating.
put snickers bars out its better than peanut butter.

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