He is glaring at me now with my doom on his mind.I have a killer squirrel after me? What should I do???
Rabies IS a real disease that can effect squirrels. What makes you think he's after you? If his behaviour is really odd, and he shows no signs of being intimidated by you, contact your local animal control office. They'll send an officer out to catch the squirrel, test him for rabies and procede from there. Under no circumstances would I try to touch him, and if he's bitten you already, I'd seek medical attention regardless if the bite looks infected. Good luck.I have a killer squirrel after me? What should I do???
Slip him a mickey.
Chase him up a tree then light the tree on fire.
kick him in the nuts. Ho ho.
You could try hiring one of those mercenary chipmunks to protect you,they work for peanuts.
Use him for target practise... ha ha ha!!!
The people on here aren't very animal-friendly..I say you find it a girlfriend in exchange for your freedom!
give him some nuts
seek psychological help
Make a will, then leave him an offering of nuts. If you've given him the wrong kind, at least everyone knows who gets to take your stuff.
Kiss him and make love to him.
now give me usd20,000 bec it was my squirrel so send me fast other wise i complain in police about u because u kill mye swuirrel hahahahahhah monty dubai manojkeshwani@yahoo.com
get a bb gun and take the sucker out b4 he gets you
Take a golf club to his disease ridden body. Or feed him.
You could splash it with watetr then tie it up and throw it in the sea...lol
befriend him by wiggiling your nose and asuring him peanut butter in exchange for kindness.
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