Saturday, January 23, 2010

What do we need to feed a one day old newborn baby squirrel for the next few weeks ?

Eyedropper and sugar water. Feed sugar water with the eyedropper.What do we need to feed a one day old newborn baby squirrel for the next few weeks ?
Orphans that have been without their mother will be suffering from chill and dehydration. They must be thoroughly warmed first, and then offered warmed rehydration solution. Pedialyte is a rehydration solution that is available in drug stores- it should be heated to body temperature and offered every couple hours for the first several feedings. Feed the baby squirrel esbilac powder, mix only enough for 24hrs and keep it refrigerated. Esbilac is a puppy milk replacer, which you should be able to purchase at a vet or pet store. Cow鈥檚 milk, goat鈥檚 milk, human baby formulas, and most pet products (except Esbilac) are not suitable and will likely cause death. Use a 1cc or 5cc oral syringe (try a vet or pharmacy), warm the formula, and hold the squirrel in a towel, firmly, and covering its eyes. The squirrel will suck very quickly and take too much formula if you are not in total control. If this happens the squirrel will sneeze formula out of its nose 鈥?Stop feeding, turn upside down, gently rub its back, and gently wipe the excess formula from its nose. Repeat this for about 5 minutes or until the sneezing stops and breathing returns to normal. If severe this can cause immediate death or pneumonia on a long-term basis. This is why bottles are not suitable to use. To avoid this from occurring, feed in a quiet room, go slowly and watch both the squirrel and the syringe, if air bubbles appear in the syringe, stop feeding and expel the air, (see chart on back for feeding schedule). Once feeding is finished, wash its face well with a damp face cloth, as formula dries quickly and causes fur loss. It is very critical that baby squirrels are stimulated to urinate before and after every feed. The squirrel may be doing it a bit on its own but this may be overflow and if not stimulated the bladder will rupture. To stimulate a baby squirrel hold it over a face cloth. Dip either your finger or a Q-tip in warm water and then light feathery strokes over its genital area will cause the squirrel to urinate and/or have a bowel movement. Once the squirrel starts to pee don鈥檛 stop as the squirrel will then stop.What do we need to feed a one day old newborn baby squirrel for the next few weeks ?
contact your local humane society or animal shelter and ask the name of a wildlife rehabilitator in your area NOW.
1/2cup water

1/2 cup evaporated milk

1 egg yoke

2 tbsp strawberry yogurt (i don't know why strawberry)

and a couple drops of benabac on the tip of the bottle

warm it up like a baby bottle then feed him several times day and night (every few hours) keep him in a box with a heat source in one half of the box (like a water bottle or a snugly) also at that age he will not go to the bathroom on his own, you will need to ';stimulate him'; with a moist warm paper towel before every feeding. try taking him to a wild life center, its a lot of work to care for these little guys and hard to get them to the point where they're ready to be release back into the wild

benabac is a product that simulated the good bacteria they would normally get from the mothers milk, most large pet stores like petsmart should carry this
Read all these before feeing the baby squirrel:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
I would say milk using an eye drop
I would try to find a squirrel to milk. Good luck.
kitten replacement formula. you can also get tiny ';baby ';bottles at almost any pet store. dont forget that you also have to rub his privates so he will pee and poo use a bit of cotton or cloth (soft) and massage him/her genitals every few hours generally before and after feeding.
kitten milk most grocery stores carry it you also have to rub there genitals with a warm moist rag so the go to the bathroom the mother squirrel would normally. Then again you could contact your local wildlife officer. Most squirrels even raised by human still grow wild and have to be released at least that way they won't attack people.
thats a wierd question butt can you email me and tell me why and i dont know sorry
The baby squirrel needs a formula especially for squirrels. Don't give it cow's milk, or human infant formula. This may harm him, leading to digestive problems and/or malnutrition. Take him to a vet and ask about getting a baby squirrel formula.
You can get some great pet milk at a vet or a pet store.
warm milk in a bottle then call a vet. i should know one of my closets has a squirrel she rescued him from a tree. but afterwards it would not be wise to let him out in the wild if he's been tamed he won't be able to survive. then after a while feed him soft nuts then the hards ones(start him off off on foods like us humans as a process of stepping stones.)
I had a baby rabbit once and we used liquid baby formula with an eyedropper
Feed it kitten milk from a pet store with an eye dropper or a syringe (of course without the needle part). We had a baby squirrel as well, after about 2 weeks she'll start to eat peanut butter, nuts, etc. She was a very very very sweet pet, i know you'll enjoy yours!
I had baby rabbits once and we use goats milk. To the best of my knowledge you an use it for squirrels to. Also let them eat as much as they want sometimes it isant very much and sometimes it's alot, but they eat as much as they want and thats okay. They will need to be Fed once every three hours, with an eye dropper or medicine seringe.
Kitten milk from the local pet store or vet clinic. Eyedropper is a good idea but be careful, it might have rabies or some other funky disease.
it needs milk!! i dno where u can find squirrel milk u should give it to the humaine society

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