Thursday, January 21, 2010

Does the squirrel buster squeal work? i hadn't any luck with it. i's a wonderin if any a you have.?

Does the Primos squirrel Buster squealin sound work?Does the squirrel buster squeal work? i hadn't any luck with it. i's a wonderin if any a you have.?
I have used it and had success with it. Of course, you have to know exactly how to use it and know what you are looking for when you do use it properly. The correct way to use it is to suck on it to make the squeeling noise. You make a sound sort of like a dying rabbit. About 3 loud squeels followed by 8 or 9 squeels decreasing in volume. Right after the first three squeels, you beat the ground with a piece of brush or some small leafy limbs. What you are simulating is the sound of a baby squirrel that has just been grabbed by a hawk. The hawk grabs the baby squirrel and flys to the ground where he flaps his wings around while he repositions the baby squirrel before flying off to eat it somewhere else. This sound of a baby squirrle being attacked by a hawk will stir up any adult squirrels and make them bark at the supposed hawk. What you will need to do is listen for the barking and then slip through the woods toward the barking sound. When you spot Mr. Bushy Tail, you put your sights on him and put him in your hunting bag. The squirrels MAY come toward the sound of the baby squirrel in distress but not always. You usually have to go to them by listening to their barking.

One home made squirrel call that I have had luck in bringing them to me with is two poker chips. You need the ones that have ridges around the top and bottom. Put one chip in your hand and cup your hand around it to make sort of a megaphone. Then use the other chip to scrape on the ridges of the first chip. You are simulating the sound of a squirrel cutting on nuts. You can add to the attraction by carrying a pocket full of hard corn. You scrape on the chip a while and then toss a few grains of corn into the leaves to simulate the sound of cuttings falling on the leaves. This will draw out any squirrels that are near. They will want to see who is eating the nuts in their territory. They will often come running and barking so be ready. Does the squirrel buster squeal work? i hadn't any luck with it. i's a wonderin if any a you have.?
I have no idea what that is Squirrel Hunter so no I haven't had any luck with it. I hope you do though. Good luck huntin'!

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