Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is the enemy of a Squirrel?

If it's a grey one, me!

Things that eat squirrels are dogs, cats, bigger birds of prey, foxes and weasley, stoaty things. Mink too if there are any about.

The problem with squirrels id they are agile and wiry. There's not much meat under all that fur so trying to catch one to eat could be a poor return on the energy you use up chasing it.What is the enemy of a Squirrel?
Evil Anti-Squirrels armed with napalm acorns.What is the enemy of a Squirrel?
For Red Squirrels [uk] The Grey Squirrel, Its causing our Native Red to become Extinct. But a Lot of both easily fall foul of Disease.
The ground squirrel's chief enemies include foxes, weasels and hawks


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